Self Portrait Saturday
What I love: Photography

Today I'm very thankful for a beautiful girl who posed for HOURS without complaining once.
I was able to practice many different techniques with my camera and got some really cool shots.
Harvest Loaf
7:32 AM
7:32 AM starts off with cries of, "Mommy! Your babies are awake!"
Then there are diapers to change, sippie cups to fill and squeezes to give.
The Abster asks for a hug first thing in the morning.
The Fripits asks if she can watch Silly Man (Her name for Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show. It's her favorite right now) She always asks, and I always say no.
We have breakfast, we sing songs, we eat Fruit Loops or maybe scrambled eggs, or maybe oatmeal.
We talk about our dreams from the night before, we talk about what chores need to be done.
We hug Daddy and give him kisses.
And that is how we start our days.
First In Love Shoot
I recently finished my first "in love" shoot for a young, Paraguayan couple. There are 351 GREAT shots, some of which I now need to edit and deliver to them before their upcoming wedding. All of my free internet time (aka. blogging time) is being put on hold so I can finish the editing process.
I'm taking a short blogging break, because the bride is a friend of mine and I want these pictures to be perfect for her.
I'll be back to blogging again shortly!
Afternoon Rest
Play Dough Sculptures
Grilled Pizza
Husband loves pizza.
Husband loves making pizza.
I love letting him make pizza once a week.
Especially if its on the grill.
Have all the toppings ready to go, by the grill. Cheese shredded, pizza sauce hot, sasauge cooked, onions and peppers sauteed.
Place your favorite pizza dough (raw) on the grill, allow the bottom side to cook for about 5 minutes or till nice brown grill marks show.
Flip over the dough, and quickly (QUICKLY NOW!) spread all toppings on.
Let cook for another five mintues or so, till lightly browned on the bottom and cheese is all melty.
I wish every day was Pizza Day...
My Dad's Birthday
My Dad recently had a birthday -FORTY SEVEN YEARS OLD! (But you didn't hear it from me!) The girls and I made him a cake which he wrote about on his Facebook. Here's what he wrote, and some pictures (of course!) below.
"When you get older (I am not old, my Dad is old) there are things that bring you happiness that used to seem trite. On my birthday, my oldest daughter, Jackie, said she would bring my birthday cake. She had purchased an imported cake mix at the grocery store along with the prie made Pillbury Cake Iciing. Some of you might think, those of you in the states, "that is not special" Well here it is because it comes only once a year and at over twice the pirce you find in the US. They brought the cake, they, because along with my daughter fixing the cake, my granddaughters also had their hands in the preparation. (LITERALLY) The youngest had decided to massage the icing into the cake with her own two little hands to give it a more refined delicate texture. The cake was beautiful. Jackie had sorta pushed the cake back together before putting in the 47 candles (The cake would have been illegal in California during fire season!!!!) Elena and Abby were so excited to eat the cake with me, they wanted to do the cake first. But they were patient and waited for the firetrucks to leave after we lit the candles and blew them out.
1 Imported Duncan Heinz chocolate cake mix $8.00
1 Imported Pillbury Chocolate Icing $5.00
4 boxes of Birthday candles $5.00
Imagining Abbey's little hands masaging the finished cakePRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the taste EXQISITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful Birthday!
Happy (belated) Anniversary to me!
New Look.
My Purse and it's contents.
Brenda tagged me for this purse meme....cute!
1) "Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house."There's my large yellow purse with lots of pastel colors. I carry it around the most because it's BIG and it can take all my camera equipment with me everywhere. It totally clashed with what I wore today, but whatever. That's how I roll. My camera is a priority.
In my bag:
- A Nikon D70 with the 55mm lense on
- A Nikkor 18-55mm zoom lense
- My wallet (empty)
- My flipflop key ring with house keys.
- Two crumpled up lollipop wrappers
- One small plastic bag with a piece of leftover chipa in it.
- My celphone in it's cute Croc carrying case.
- My Blackberry (used for scheduling, appointments, etc.)
- And, very weird, a piece of "Happy Birthday!!" wrapping paper. (Don't look at me, I have no idea how it got in there.)
2) " I want to know how much it cost:) And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it."
I think it cost about $8.00 or so. I bought it at HiperSeis, a grocery store here in Paraguay. No cute story, just saw it, and wanted it.
3) "Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why you’re showing everyone your diaper bag/non-diaper bag."
I tag:
MAF Brownies
Maybe, I let my daughter pile all my pillows at the foot of my bed.
Maybe, I let her jump on the bed.
Maybe, I let her jump off the bed and land on the mountain of pillows.
Maybe, instead of telling her to stop because she might get hurt, I run and get my camera.
Just maybe.
Precious Zip top bags.
True Story
We love Skype. It helps us keep in touch with family (when it works).
The girls are getting used to using ear phones, although the Baby only stands there. She gets a little startled when she hears the voice on the other end.
I don't think her Grandmother minds just hearing her breath. The Fripits, however, likes to sing, tell family about her daily activities or count to 10.
Too cute for words.
{Allow the proud Auntie to gush for a moment please.}
My sister-in-law sent me this picture of my little niece.
I'm not sure whether to thank her or scold her.
I mean really...! Do you send a picture of someone this sweet and cute to an Auntie who can't touch that yummy little bundle of baby goodness for another FIVE months??!!?? I just can't wait to get my hands on her.
Easy aprons
I made two of these little aprons using this very simple idea. It was a quick project and the girls have a renewed interest in their toy kitchen.
[Sorry for the bad picture! I had no time to mess with settings!]