{Do not be fooled by Abbie's serious face here. We had a wonderful day.}


I think today may have been the first time since we moved into our new house that we got really sit back and relax. Early this morning I heard clapping at the door (we don't ring door bells in Paraguay, we clap) and I literally crawled on the floor from the living room to the back bedroom so that they wouldn't see me through the window.
Why? Because I'm an introvert. I love being alone, being alone energizes me and helps me not get migraine headaches. So after a week and a half of having strange men parade through the house with their loud machinery I.AM.DONE.

Brian took care of the two guys that stopped by this morning (one to fix a minor detail on a window and the other to make sure the minor detail on the window was fixed) while I hid in the TV room with the girls and watched Sense and Sensibility.

After that we spent the day cooking, working in the yard, grocery shopping, facebooking, coloring, reading, eating, and not being around other people.




Brenda said...

Nothing cures stress for me like a day at home alone (or alone with my family). I love people, but I love to be alone- I don't think they contradict each other. So glad you had this day!