Can you guess what my favorite color is?
It's all over my house and my girls.
I'll give you some clues:
He came from a male dominated household.
The Mission: Devour the toppings off of the pizza and leave only the crust.
First, you look around and make sure no one is watching.
(Ah! But Mommy has eyes in the back of her head! And a zoom lense! *evil laugh*) Then, you make your move. Stick one chubby, dimpled finger right into the cheesy goodness.
Some of you asked who cooks and who does laundry if the Mommy is always playing.
Good question! :)
I do all of our laundry on Fridays, and I still cook. We only eat one big meal a day (lunch) and eat very light for breakfast and dinner.
Also, my wonderful Husband has made it a priority to work from home as much as possible. His office is here and while he does have to go out often, he is usually at home with us.
I was raised with my dad being around and for many years his dad worked from home too. We saw the richness this brings and felt it important for us. We realize that it is not possible for most families to have Daddy at home, but we thank God that our Daddy can be.
We respect his time and try to leave him alone so he can study and work, but in a pinch ("Honey, I'm elbow deep in raw hamburger and the Fripits needs to go potty!") he jumps in like Superman and saves the day.
Also, having Daddy around he has seen how difficult it is at times to do those nitty-gritty, deep cleaning or organizing with small children. I'm thankful he doesn't demand a lot of me and usually reminds me that those things are not important for us in this stage of our life.
He's awesome.
I'm blessed.
Most of my days are spent playing. We paint, build with blocks, push toy strollers around, watch Barney, sing songs, build forts, make messes.
I've tried routines, schedules, cleaning house with them by my side...and I have a hard time staying happy. I get very frustrated, my priorities fly out of order and I dread getting out of bed in the morning.
So now, we play.
One day they will learn to do dishes. (I hope)
One day they will entertain themselves.
One day I will wake up and see that all the diapers have been changed and the youngest is potty trained. Then, I will dust the top of the fridge.
Until then, I play.
I would rather be the "cool" Mom on the block with the messy house. The one who lets you eat cookies on the couch, and stay up past your bedtime.
Much better than Mean Mommy.
Much better.
Sorry the picture is tilted. Perfectionist I am not!
Here's a quick, easy indoor activity that my three year old loved. She did this for a very long time. A very long time in preschool would be about 20 minutes or so.
I taped a piece of clear contact paper onto a wooden cabinet, with the sticky side of the paper facing out. Then I gave her foam cut outs to arrange on the contact paper. She loved it. Next time I will give her other objects as well, beads, fabric scraps, pipe cleaners, ribbon, etc.
It was a nice CLEAN art project. And I'm all about that.
Just a few things that work out well for us. :) 1. Drink coffee together.
2. Watch funny Youtube videos and laugh till you snort.
3. Kiss.
4. Talk to each other about books you are reading.
5. Hug.
6. Cook together.
7. At home date night, once a week.
8. Don't fight.
9. Take pictures of each other making funny faces.
10. Read Winnie The Pooh by A.A Milne and figure out which character your spouse is. (I'm Piglet with a bit of Tigger, he's Rabbit with a bit of Tigger as well.)
I do read. I really do! I just haven't posted about it in a while. I'm currently reading Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie.
It's very exciting and beautifully written. I'm guessing that's why it's a classic.
Here are some of my favorite quotes:
"Wake up," she cried, "Peter Pan has come and he is to teach us to fly." (pg. 32)
"I want their captain, Peter Pan. 'Twas he cut off my arm." He brandished the hook threateningly. "I've waited long to shake his hand with this. Oh, I'll tear him!" (pg. 56)
Then all went on their knees, and holding out their arms cried, "O Wendy lady, be our mother." (pg 68)
"If you believe," he shouted to them, "clap your hands; don't let Tink die." (pg. 118)
That, is good stuff.I have to go favorite corner of the house is waiting for me.
Thank you ground*floor for the cool texture used in this photo! 1. She is awesome.
I think I need to clean it off. Whats on your desk?
How I handle "bad" days:
1. Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Syrup
2. Hot chocolate with three (three!!) marshmallows.
3. Air conditioning
4. Childrens DVD (and I do my best to not think about how I'm ruining their attention span by letting them watch four hours of Winnie the Pooh)
5. Wearing pajamas at 3 pm in the afternoon.
Good times.
To the Carol Burnette Show,
Thank you for making me laugh very hard.
You guys are the best.
There are more, many more, but those were the most creative.
{The picture above is of The Fripits wearing my wedding veil. It TOTALLY freaked her Daddy out.}
The Fripits likes things to be a certain way. Her way. And lately has been coming up with creative "rules" that have to be done before she can go asleep. Until everything is just so, she looks nervous. Rule Number One: All her stuffed animals have to be in bed with her. They are not allowed to touch her, and they have to be in a semi-circle formation around her feet.
Rule Number Two: The trundle bed under her bed has to be pulled out.
Rule Number Three: Each and every closet door must be opened.
Rule Number Four: The rocking chair cushion must be on the floor.
Most of you seemed surprised that I was scared of frogs. This fear is quite rational, I assure you. I have some history with frogs, and it's not good.
I think the fear for started when I was six and my older sister (a Yekwana Indian foster child) stuck a dead frog in my shoe. This frog had been dead for days and was nah-stee. She told me to put my shoes on and when I discovered the rotting frog I was scarred for life. There was much screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth. I never forgave her. Hmph.
Then, a few months later we went on our first, of many, survey trips to different Yekwana Indian villages. We went to the village of Toky, which is where my Indian brother and sister were from. One day my parents decided to go up river to another village a few hours away. They took my younger brother and sister with them, and I stayed behind with my Indian siblings and their biological family. They (my parents) were supposed to return that night, but had to stay due to a huge thunderstorm. So there I was, six years old, with an Indian family I could barely understand and wondering if I would ever see my parents again. That night I had a close encounter with a cow (another story for another day) and my older brother tried to feed me a frog. I came this close to eating it, but everytime I would reach for it to take a bite, he would toss it in my direction and RIBBIT. It was very convincing. I never ate it.
That night in my journal, which my mother still has, I wrote: "I am the only American in the whole jungle." I remember feeling very brave and heroic. Like I was David Livingstone or something. And also very creeped out by the whole frog episode.
And so, I hate frogs.
Can you blame me? :)
This morning there was a huge frog behind my washing machine. I stifled a scream (the girls were still asleep) because I'm deathly afraid of frogs. I have this fear that one will jump at me and land on my neck. Gross.
Anyway, two guys, my husband and our gardner, were able to whisk it away while I hid in the office. The gardner, who is Paraguayan, explained to us that big frogs like that can cure hurt knees or legs. You wrap the frog around your leg for three days (shudder), take it off, and then throw it towards the sun.
I would rather limp for the rest of my life than have a frog touch me. And one can't help but wonder how the sun plays into the equation.
Very interesting.
And the entry for the Kids competion...doesn't he look like Elvis? I just love the hair!
For more info please check out iHeartFaces blog.
Betty has encouraged me to enter this photo contest...looks like fun! And I ihope to learn a lot by participating.
Check out the iHeartFaces blog for more information.
(I would like to thank my friend, who shall remain un-named, for always being more than willing to pose. Most of my pictures of him come out blurry due to the fact that I'm laughing so hard while he "models.")
After a super long (super-dee-duper long) day last week, Incredible Husband came to the rescue. He arranged for babysitting and whisked me off to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Asuncion. It's a Mexican place (the only one in town) with awesome food. The decorations are beautiful and very colorful, just like I would imagine Mexico to be. My favorite thing about this restaurant is the dishes. The little blue bird? It makes me swoon.
Dear God,
Thank you for asking us to serve You in a country where children are loved, cared for, protected and enjoyed. It makes this Mommy happy.
P.S. Also, thank you for taking care of the Abster when, shortly after these pictures were taken, she had an allergic reaction to bug bites and began to swell. Thank you that she recieved good care in the small clinic, and thank you so very much that she is all better. The Mommy is very relieved. Amen.
It's been a while since I posted a fun project for the Littles. Here's one we did a few weeks ago when it was especially hot outside. I froze small plastic toys in some cups with water. Then we took them outside to melt them with the water hose. You could also put them in the bathtub with the kiddos. (That's if they are at all willing to tolerate cold water which the Abster is NOT!)
This only took about two seconds with our heat. Oh, I'm exagerating. One second and a half.
I was tagged by my Aunt Pam for this fun meme. Open your document or picture folders. Choose your 6th folder, then choose your 6th picture. Post the photo with a description about it.
It brought back a lot of memories! Here we are leaving Tampa, Florida for Paraguay! We loaded up all the suitcases and our baby into a rented van and drove to Miami. We spent the night in Miami and left for Paraguay the next day. I remember feeling very nervous. Very, very, very nervous. I didn't know who was going to pick us up at the airport (long story) or how long it would take us to find a house...But we made it! And we have a house! And another member of the family! It always works out doesn't it?