Thank You

Dear God,
Thank you for asking us to serve You in a country where children are loved, cared for, protected and enjoyed. It makes this Mommy happy.

P.S. Also, thank you for taking care of the Abster when, shortly after these pictures were taken, she had an allergic reaction to bug bites and began to swell. Thank you that she recieved good care in the small clinic, and thank you so very much that she is all better. The Mommy is very relieved. Amen.


M.J. said...

Give the Abster hugs and kiss from Auntie MJ, Uncle Scotty and Mikayla and Katelyn too!!! We will remember to thank God for His protection for her as well!

Rita Loca said...

Amen and amen!

Anonymous said...

Did not see this before I commented on FB...

Allergic reactions can be scary!! What bit her??

Glad all is well!!

MaMa Vaughn said...

Glad everything is all right! Wow, I am such a worrier when it comes to my babies!

I think I might steal your "meme".=) That was pretty cool the sixth picture thing!=)

Anonymous said...

It seems my language skills need to be strengthened, because I totally can not read your information, but I think this is a good BLOG

Gecko said...

Glad to hear she was well looked after in the Clinic, and that she's ok. Did they give you some stuff in case it happens again?