Date night...a la Mejicana!

After a super long (super-dee-duper long) day last week, Incredible Husband came to the rescue. He arranged for babysitting and whisked me off to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Asuncion. It's a Mexican place (the only one in town) with awesome food. The decorations are beautiful and very colorful, just like I would imagine Mexico to be.

My favorite thing about this restaurant is the dishes. The little blue bird? It makes me swoon.

Brian had his favorite, a mixture of beef, chicken and sausage cooked in a dish made to look like volcanic rock. Very cool.
(I had black bean soup which was delicious, but not very fun to photograph.)

Again, I just love the colors of the place!
(And no worries about that funky looking's lemonade!)


M.J. said...

You have a pretty amazing husband! That restaraunt looks so fun and I bet it could lift your spirits just by walking in!

Betty said...

Ok, I definitely need to go here! What´s it called and where is it?? Looks great! Or is it just your great photography??

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'm jealous! Glad you all are doing well!
(formerly Simple Scholar)

Jackie said...

Betty: It's called "Las Palomas" and it's only a block away from Shopping Mariscal Lopez. it's beautiful, my photography did not do it justice, but thank you for the compliment! :-)

Rough Edges: Hi! You're back! Will we be seeing blog posts from you soon?

Norberto Kurrle said...

Hi Jackie!

I'm Julie and I'm a missionary in Itapua. I'm a mom of a 3 year old boy and can understand needing a mom's time out!

I've been there once (for my b-day 2 years ago) and we sat at that very table! Mexican is my favorite and I sometimes get nostalgic for wet burritos, yummy :)

Anonymous said...

It is so refreshing for husbands and wives to appreciate each other. Hopefully some of the young men and women you are working with see this quality in both of you.
Such an investment to the future !

Unknown said...

How sweet Brian! You are one smart man!
Jackie I LOVE the place! Of course I would though! *giggles*
I can't wait to show your Tio and make him homesick!

The first thing that struck me when I logged on to your post today was the plate! Love it! all of it! How was the guacamole? Did it compare to your Tio's? Are the owners authentic?

Jackie said...

Tia Pam: The owner is authentic, or so I've heard. The guacamole is okay...the refried beans are black (we can't get pinto beans here! sad.) That night there was no guac at all. they were out of avocados!

Christine said...

Yummy....everything looks delicious!

Unknown said...

Your Tio Agustin just looked at the photos and said; "I remember a restaurant in Queretaro having those same dishes!"
Cool huh?

CaraqueƱa said...

Looks great! I want to go there when I get up there...I WILL someday, you know!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to have you back! I haven't read your blog since you went private.
I just remember your beautiful birth story. Are you expecting again?

Jackie said...

His Tender Mercies: No. Not expecting right now. :)